Philips Ambilight 2 47" 1080p Flat-Panel LCD HDTV - Part 3
So far the 1080p Philips Ambilight 2 47PFL7432D handles High Def movies MUCH better than the Hitachi 42HDS69 Plasma did.
Well this display isn't just for movies is it? Absolutely not. It's time to start playing some games. So I have my PS3 hooked up to the Philips 47PFL7432D
via HDMI and set at 1080p. I pop in The Darkness to again test out 1.) How well the refresh rate (5ms) handles fast paced games and 2.) How well the 47PFL7432D handles
dark (black) scenes.
First thing I noticed a bit of video studder. After some research, it appears to deal with the 24fp output. I switched the forced 24fp off and it appeared to fix the studder. I'm not sure
if the studder is related to the PS3 or the display. Ok so first impressions are fast camera movement performs about zero motion blur. Great news for gamers. The 47PFL7432D will
perform excellently for you. Secondly, blacks are again handled extremly well on by the Philips.
I wanted to test out Gears of War, but I remembered letting some one borrow it, so no chance to test it out. However I'm very satisfied with High Def gaming. What about non-HD gaming?
Who still does that? Well how about the popular Wii gaming system? Yes thats right, the Wii only ouputs 480p video.
So I have the Wii connected to my receiver via component cables and then outputted via HDMI to the Philips LCD. Previously I've been playing Legen of Zelda: Twilight Princess on a
27" Westinghouse LCD. I had been disappointed with the Westinghouse's presentation of the video. I originally felt that it was just that I was used to HD gaming on the
PS3 or XBox 360. Plus I figured that by going from 27" to 47", the video would only get worse.
Needless to say my assumptions were completely wrong. The Philips 47PFL7432D LCD handled the video MUCH better than the Westinghouse. The game was actually quite playable now. Just like with the
PS3, all fast camera motions were handled extremely well. Defintely better than the Westinhouse which had a 8ms response time.